Meaning of (घुटनों के नीचे पहनने वाला कपड़ा) ghutanon ke neeche pahanane vala kapada,ghutanon ke niche pahanane vala kapada in english

As noun :
gaiter Ex:  gaiter leather or fabric covering the leg from below the knee to below the
Suggested : a covering of cloth or leather for the ankle and instep and sometimes also the lower leg, worn over the shoe or boot Compare upper ( def 7 )
Exampleघुटनों के नीचे पहनने वाला कपड़ा का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(घुटनों के नीचे पहनने वाला कपड़ा) ghutanon ke neeche pahanane vala kapada,ghutanon ke niche pahanane vala kapada can be used as noun.. No of characters: 30 including consonants matras. Transliteration : ghuTano.n ke niiche pahanane vaalaa kapa.Daa

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